Communications w/Town June 16 2014

Myself and many community homeowners from Mill Ridge participated in tonight's planning meeting based on the zoning public hearing.  Clearly we miss understood the purpose of tonight's meeting however as you saw the community is very concerned (just as we have stated when we first showed up a year ago and began to raise our concerns to the town).  We also received notification from the US Army Corps of Engineering regarding the permits for the road going across the wetlands.

It has been since the middle of November since we last heard from the town.  We were hoping to stay engaged with progress based on those last conversations.  We felt like the town was willing to listen and help educate us and to see what could be done to address those lots negatively affected by the road change.  We have also tried several times to speak to the developer with no call backs.

We are asking at this time for another meeting where you can review with a few of the homeowners what the current state is of the road changes including the items in the email

We are looking to understand when is our proper forum on the record to address all our concerns including but not limited to the safety issues with having two separate neighborhood access points across from one another crossing a 4 lane road with a blind curve all at 45 MPH and how that is safer than the existing 2 loan road with no access points for developments.

Thank you for your time and we look froward to a prompt reply.
Keith C Potter

The Town has not forgotten Mill Ridge and we're still willing to listen.   Where we are at this point regarding the road is waiting on the actual construction design of the stream crossing.    That has not been completed yet and will not be completed until the Corps of Engineers and Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) has completed their reviews and assessment for the crossing.    I think to be able to talk in detail about the crossing with you and the neighbors we need to have something that is precise where this road will be located and what the Corps of Engineers and DENR will require.    The other component in this process is NCDOT.   Since this will be a DOT road they will play a large part in the design specifications and details, that must be complied with including access, speed limit, and sight distance.

I'll be glad to meet with you next week if that's convenient for you.   I can meet at 3 PM on next Wednesday, June 25.   I will invite the Town Manager and the Town Engineer to participate in this meeting.


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